Scientific announcer 

Academies of safety and bases of health

Prepares to printing:

1. The first number of the Scientific announcer ABOZou prepares to printing. An announcer will go out by printing in spring 2006 of 

Умови подачі наукових статей. Attention! To Announcer the articles from students and students are adopted.

It Is Printed:

1. A trial issue of the Scientific announcer is ABOZou "Collection of scientific labours". In Announcer there are the published scientific articles and theses of lectures on the questions of safety of vital functions and bases of health. Materials of Announcer can profit for wide scientific public, teachers and practical workers, listeners of the system of the in-plant training, students of higher educational establishments.

Збірник наукових праць. Науковий вісник Академії безпеки та основ здоров’я. – К.: АБОЗ, 2005. – 205 -с. ( Collection of scientific labours. Scientific announcer of Academy of safety and bases of health. – C.: ABOZ, 2005. – 205 -s.)


                             Зміст Наукового вісника "Збірник наукових праць"




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